Election 2016 – My Take, rant, last struggling dying grab for my soul.

Election 2016 – My Take, rant, last struggling dying grab for my soul.

Ok, here is the 3rd part.

I try to be agnostic. I’ll admit to attempting to be impartial for the most part, though I am sure I fail miserably. Well, I am not going to be impartial right now. Honestly this election has insulted me to the core of my being. And you america, have let me down.

What the ever loving f*** is going on in this country?

I am so sick and tired of all the bullshit. I am tired of the media hype. I am tired of every little thing being blown out of proportion for ratings. I am tired of cheap, imbecilic talking heads, pandering on TV. I am so tired of dull cow eyed, soul deprived meat sacks defending indefensible stances that fly in the face of fact and common sense. It’s like pissing in my face and telling me it’s rain.

I’ll just put this out there, I was a Bernie supporter. I liked his stance on a lot of issues and I thought he could do some good. I will not get into the whole conspiracy blah blah blah and how he got cut out. It is what it is at this point and bitching about it isn’t going to change this fact. But he can still do a lot from where his, fighting the same battles he has been fighting his entire career.

Trump disgusts me.

Not for the philandering, the misogyny, the detestable views he possesses about women, minorities, and pretty much anybody not married to him, related to him, rich, white, or old and privileged. No, it isn’t any of that. It is the bold faced way he tries to speak to and for the common people in this country. The slimy way he tries to pass himself off as one of “us” and tries to identify with our plight, our struggles, and our day to day lives. This is monumentally insulting. He wouldn’t have the faintest idea about any of those things because he has never existed anywhere near those things in daily life. He hasn’t got a single clue on what real life is like for you and I. If anything, he is the epitome of everything you and I have been saying is wrong with this country. He is the sly bullshit artist CEO that cajoles your support for the “company” while screwing you with low pay, little or no bonuses while taking his fat piece of the pie you worked hard to bake. He and his brand are exactly what is wrong with this country. The fat cat rich elite sucking on the teat of our labor. Has he really created jobs ? Or has he created jobs just long enough for him to tank a business and escape with a bonus due to shady business dealings while you and I are left out in the cold. How many small business has he ripped off the years while he robs them of hard worked product saying it was “sub-standard” and then doesn’t pay or pays them much less than they worked for? Tons. This man is the true crook. He is the kind that will screw you to your face while he shakes your hand and pats you on the back. He doesn’t care.

And you eat it up america. Your fear, your reluctance to embrace the one constant in this universe – change. You have given in to the lies. Your religion is not under attack. How can somebody attack a belief system you carry inside of you? We are not one step away from sharia law- and do you even know what sharia law is? All Muslims are not terrorists. There are people of all races and creeds, all over. Welcome to the rest of the planet. Get out of the bubble.

Immigrants are not taking your jobs. They are taking the jobs you aren’t doing. When was the last time you worked in a field picking fruits and veggies ? When was the last time you mowed a lawn that wasn’t your own ? When was the last time you worked a food line at a cafeteria ? Cleaned a hotel room as a maid? Janitor? Day labor at a construction sight?

Is that stunned silence? …I thought so.

Plenty of other things are taking jobs away from you. A lack of education. Lack of development of new skills. Corporations operating in a more global market and honoring their bottom line and earnings declarations for wall street more then valuing creating jobs in our country. Changes in markets far and wide. Industry decline. Trump isn’t going to fix this. He capitalizes on it.

And if you knew anything about government and how it operates, you’d know the president alone cannot fix any of the major issues that have been called out. Much of this work is done in the house and the senate. This is why Trumps constant quips about Hilary not getting anything done is false.

Trump is a Brexit vote and nothing more. He is not the solution. He offers no real solution. He offers no substance.

Stop falling for trumpery.


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