Guns….Again? Why?

Guns….Again? Why?

Fuck your Guns.

Why are we having this disgusting issue again? Why, Why, Why?!?! Every single time a mass shooting happens in this country we traverse the same loop – outrage, thoughts and prayers, no action. Another mass shooting, outrage, thoughts and prayers, no action. Time to break the cycle. Stop the needless deaths.

STOP IT with your false argument and stance on the 2nd amendment. Not one proposed piece of gun control is an attack on your freedom and right to keep arms. You don’t need an AR15 to hunt with, or any other automatic assault type weapon. If you do, then you need to reassess your skills as a hunter. If you hunt for sport, make it a real sport and try a bow and arrow or a knife. Be a “real man” and meet the animal on more equal terms, or are you chicken ? This argument is a cop out.

STOP IT with the argument of protecting yourself against the “tyrannical” government. The US has the largest, most advanced military on the planet – let that sink in. You and Billy-jo Bobs home grown militia don’t stand a chance. Never did. Let it go. Go play paint ball. This argument is a cop out.

STOP IT with the constant blame on mental health. Of course mental health is the issue – DUH! A mentally healthy person doesn’t go shoot people, this is an accepted fact; by most of us at least. But , said mentally ill person currently has access to weapons of all kinds which makes the issue all the more dangerous. Why not limit access to these weapons AND address mental health issues as well. We can do both and it won’t effect your access, unless you are mentally ill. This argument is a cop out.

STOP arguing period. There is no good reason to not regulate guns better. End of story.

Extended Background Checks. This seems like a no brainer. Yes, people make mistakes and some learn from them later so why not give them a chance to have a gun? There are so many things wrong with that thought process, I don’t know where to begin but let’s err on the side of caution to save some lives.

Gun Registration. Yeah, yeah, yeah “I don’t want to be on a government list”. Hate to break it to you but you are on so many lists already that to avoid this one is pointless. And if you are a law abiding gun owner, what’s the problem ?

Close the Gun Show loophole. Seems pretty simple and if everyone involved is on the up and up, there should be no problem seeing that awesome gun at a show, staying in touch with the registered dealer, and buying the gun after the waiting period and appropriate checks. You get your gun so what’s the problem ? If you absolutely need it that day, what are you into that requires a fire arm so quickly ? Also see previous section.

Gun laws by country –

And think about this – Australia- has been able to effectively implement gun restrictions without issue. This is a country where pretty much every indigenous thing is deadly and will kill you.

We tout ourselves as the “greatest nation on earth”, best of the best, stewards of the “American Dream”, so why can’t we get this issue addressed? Yes it is a complicated problem, but hey, we’re supposedly pretty darn smart so let’s do a bunch of different things that address many points of the issue. Pretty straight forward. Do something. Do several things. But STOP DOING NOTHING.

VOTE VOTE VOTE Get every single one of the NRA whores out of office –

WALK OUT –  demonstrate, make your voice heard. March 14th 2018 get out there, raise your fists, raise your voice!

My previous post




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