Election Reform

Election Reform

Our Current System

It’s quite clear that we need a reboot, reset, restructuring of our election system. The issues are dark money, special interests, corruption, gerrymandering, party and identity politics..the list goes on and on. Many measures have been passed to help, but so far nothing has brought real change and put an end to the abuses of our election system.


It all started as far back as the early 1800’s when the first mud slinging and negative campaigning began. Media spin picked up with the advent of TV and the 1950’s marked the first run of a political ad. Today things have morphed into a reality TV popularity contest and not a job interview like it should be. And we buy into it all. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on campaigning and we gladly provide a willing audience for the circus side show.


It’s a Job

Would you let your doctor be some popular TV personality like Hugh Laurie? He did play a doctor on TV. I think Hugh Laurie is awesome but I wouldn’t let him provide medical care for me since he isn’t a trained physician. If I were a hospital director, I would not hire him for anything other than a commercial.

Why are we electing people for positions they have no experience in, no training for, and no education in..? Because they speak our language ? Because they say things we like to hear ? Because they rouse our emotions ? They seem like a cool person ? Funny? Good looking? Rich?


Rick Perry Current Secretary of Energy– Bachelor of Science degree in animal science. Interned for sales. Officer in the air force. Texas government: Legislature, governor, unsuccessful presidential run. Now Secretary of Energy.

Previous Secretary of Energy: Ernest Moniz, Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in physics,  PhD in theoretical physics.

Previous to him: Steven Chu,  B.A. in mathematics, B.S. in physics, Ph.D. in physics

Ben Carson – Current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – B.A. in psychology, M.D. from University of Michigan Medical School, a career in medicine.

Previous Secretary of Housing: Julian Castro, bachelor’s degree in political science and communications, Juris Doctor from Hardvard Law. Lawyer, San Antonio City Counsel and mayor.

Before him: Shaun Donovan –  A.B. from Harvard College, Master of Public Administration, Master of Architecture. Years working in affordable housing, housing initiatives.

I am all for giving people room to grow, experience and do new things but when looking for qualified people to do the best job in a position, I’d go with the people with relevant education and work experience.

Your mayor, governor, local legislature, congress person, senator, and president, should have some managerial experience in business. Familiarity with finance and accounting. Logistics, planning, public works and administration, law, grade school science, or any smattering of applicable, verifiable skills and education.

This isn’t a popularity contest. These people want jobs. Jobs in service to you, the public. Why are we giving these jobs to people who consistently act against our best interests ?

Here are some suggestions for reform:

Full transparency of finances. To be considered for any public service position that requires election, you must divulge previous income and sources. Tax returns. Financial status will be reviewed during term of office. Any infraction will result in immediate removal and disbarment from future consideration for public service positions. This information will be posted for public/voter review.

No campaigning. Period. There will be a centralized web site where the job description will be listed and any interested parties can post their resume, relevant education, experience, and positions on current issues- this will include a voting record for candidates in current positions. This information will be checked and verified by an independent/3rd party entity. A back ground check will also be conducted, results posted as well.

Contributions and Funding. See above. Contributions, donations, or funding of any kind will not be permitted. It is not needed. Accepting any money will result in immediate disqualification and disbarment from future consideration for any public service position.

There will be no advertisement. Negative campaigning, trash ads, or other media presence (facebook, twitter, etc), by candidates for public offices will be strictly prohibited, outside of listing previous employment, relevant education and experience, and positions on current issues. There will be a public service type of ad – listing open positions, interested candidates, referring all voters to the previously mentioned web site for more information. Violation will be grounds for immediate disqualification, removal if in current position, suspension for 10 years. After 10 years if in consideration for a position, previous infraction will be noted for public/voter review.

Yearly Review. During public service employment, all elected employees will be subject to review which will be posted for public/voter review. Execution in current duties, current voting tallies on issues, etc. This information will be included in postings for candidates up for election in public service.

Voter Registration. All adults, 18 or older, as with current guidelines can register to vote. Voter registration will be verified every year and if no verification is confirmed, that voter will be removed from registration.

Election day. Any election day, be it local, primaries, national, etc., will be considered a paid work holiday. Every citizen of  legal age (18) and above, will be free to participate in any and all elections without penalty from work, school, or other considerations.

Term Limits. All elected officials will have term limits. Appointed judicial positions will have term limits.





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